Chicken Corners

The trail name dates from olden days when it was a pack trail and only the least"chicken" passed Chicken Corners. Today travel is easier, the actual Chicken Corners is a hiking trail, but it remains as scenic as ever. The trail follows the Colorado River downstream, squirms through lower Kane Springs Canyon, climbs and then descends the "Cane Creek Anticline" (spelling of the name is in dispute) via Hurrah Pass, and rejoins the river, a few hundred feet above it this time. The end of the vehicle trail is directly across the river from Dead Horse Point.


Following the Colorado River canyon is a special treat in this area where it cuts deeply through a variety of rock layers. Lower Kane Springs Canyon is even deeper and much narrower. The climb to Hurrah Pass reveals another part of the Colorado River canyon - much wider than before and more than 2,000 feet below the mesa tops. The Hurrah Pass portion winds along over dark-red sandstone layers and occasionally overlooks startling precipices. There is an unusual limestone arch at one point along the roadside. The final mile is on a bench about 400 feet directly above the river.


The road begins as gravel but becomes mostly red dirt and sand with the occasional appearances of sandstone bedrock.

Trail Details

There are petroglyphs (ancient rock art) at the roadside. The ford of Kane Creek ranges from dry to window deep (impassible after a storm). The stop at a red rock mound visits some unusual caves caused by erosional undermining of hard sandstone layers. Chicken Corners is a point where a benchland pinches down to a narrow passage that tips toward the river 400 feet below.


Trail Rating


Trail Notes

Length: 21 miles
Min Tire Size: stock
Winch: No
Front Locker: No
Rear Locker: No

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